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A Rose Amongst the Dragons Page 2
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King Wolfgang adored Thelton. He owed his kingdom’s safety from dragons to him several times over. Thelton had always responded when called upon and he had never failed any of King Wolfgang’s demands. King Wolfgang found Thelton a pleasant young man, and he loved having him around and spoiling him. Thelton represented all that was good to the king. Thelton also had a wild spirit that the king sometimes wished he could have, if he wasn’t so busy ruling the kingdom.
With the word of his beloved dragon slayer reaching him, the king dropped his things and ran down the long hallways to the front entrance of the castle. He was in such a rush that his feet slipped out beneath him, and he slammed his head into the floor, a bang ricocheted off the walls. Blackness overtook him for almost a minute. When his thoughts came back to focus, he remembered his guest. Despite the throbbing in his head, he jumped up and continued his run.
The castle doors flew open. The king came bolting through them.
“Ah, my fine boy, you have brought me another head.” The king rushed to Thelton and lifted his burden from him. The head was so heavy, that the sudden thrust of it made the king stumble and fall. He hit his head again, doubling the pain he was already feeling. Angered by his vulnerability, and by his pounding head, the king stood up and faced James. He unleashed his wrath.
“Why did you not let this boy in?”
James averted his eyes and replied. “I am working under the orders of Trevor of Andleburg, First Position Advisor.”
“Do you put the will of my advisor over my own?” King Wolfgang growled at James.
“Sorry dear king,” James said as he ducked his head.
“And you, Advisor One. You should be aware of all my rules. The Dragon Slayer is always to be immediately brought to me. How can you disobey that?”
“My holiest king, I felt that due to his current state, I would be dishonoring you to bring him to you. I felt it proper that he be bathed and cleaned first.”
“So you trusted your feelings over my commands?”
“I am sorry, my holiest king.”
“You took it upon yourself to disobey my direct order? Were you not ordered to let Thelton in whenever he came to call? My castle is made of marble; it can handle a little dirt.”
Trevor and James kept their eyes to their shoes.
“You both will be dealt with,” the king said. He then dropped the dragon head on the ground and started exploring it.
“Not the biggest head I have ever had. Definitely not the prettiest either. I would say this is probably the plainest head you have brought me. Never mind, for it means one less nasty dragon out there. My fine boy, come in, we must celebrate your deed!” The king went over to Thelton and gave him a rib crushing squeeze. Thelton struggled to breathe while wrapped in the king’s thick arms. While the king hugged, his clothes rubbed against Thelton, and when he pulled away, some mud had rubbed onto his fine linens. He didn’t care, for he was pleased to once again have Thelton in his castle.
As they walked down the royal corridors, Thelton left a trail of mud. His large feet squeaked as they sloshed around in his sandals on the marble flooring. The king rambled off in mindless chatter while Thelton ambled along, silently listening. Thelton did not like being around others, for he didn’t know how to act around them, and he never knew what to talk about. The positive side about being with the king was; he never asked many questions. The king seemed content to always do the talking, and Thelton was willing to let him.
The king brought Thelton to large mahogany doors, the doors were carved in intricate designs of dragons, reaching all the way up to a 3.6 meter ceiling. A guard stood posted in front of it.
“Ah yes, my most cherished room.” He turned to the guard. “Take the head to my trophy room.”
“Not the prettiest one, Your Highness?” The guard said. Not many people in the castle were allowed to talk so casually to the king. The man that guarded the king’s prized room had long since earned the king’s respect, for he had guarded over him since Wolfgang was born. In fact, he was the only other person the king had ever allowed into his precious room.
Thelton couldn’t understand why the king had never taken him into the trophy room, after all, he wouldn’t have that room if it wasn’t for Thelton. Thelton had supplied him with all the dragon heads. When King Wolfgang had first taken over the kingdom after his father had died, he hadn’t been collecting heads. He would pay any man 10,000 Tretos to bring the dragon’s heart. Tretos were the Kingdom’s currency, and 10,000 Tretos were more than most men made in a year. He had to offer such a high reward in order to entice someone to kill the dragons. Before Thelton came along, there weren’t very many men willing to risk their life to kill one.
King Wolfgang hated to see the dragon heart. He thought it was nasty and vile. The only reason he requested it was to have proof of death before he paid 10,000 Tretos for killing the dragon. When Thelton had come to represent Gremell, he could tell that the king hated the heart, so he asked the king, “Would you not rather me bring the dragon head instead?”
“What would I want with the head?” King Wolfgang asked.
“Well, they are very beautiful. They would make a nice trophy room, wouldn’t you think?” Thelton wasn’t very good at speaking to a king, for he didn’t understand the hierarchy of life. He really only knew the forest. The king had given him much leeway in the beginning of their relationship, because he so desired Thelton’s services. Although King Wolfgang was a very fair king, he demanded complete respect from all his subjects, that is, except for Thelton and his favorite guard. He quickly fell very fond of Thelton and soon saw him more as a son than as one of his subjects. Because of Thelton’s suggestion, he started collecting the heads and with them he created the dragon room.
As they stood outside the dragon room, the king could see the longing in Thelton’s dark eyes. He patted Thelton’s mud caked back. “One day, my fine boy, one day.” He said, and then he let out a boisterous laugh. His large stomach expanded as he chuckled, making the ivory buttons look like they were about to pop off his tunic.
“Come with me,” the king said, leading Thelton to his war room. The king had a waddle-like walk. Thelton trailed slightly to the right until they entered through a heavy set of doors, which was also guarded.
“Have I brought you here before?” the king asked as they entered the room.
“Yes,” Thelton replied in his base voice. The king actually brought Thelton into his war room every time Thelton visited. Inside the room were charts and maps of the kingdom plastered all over the walls. In the middle of the room stood a diorama of the kingdom, while on top of the diorama were little men, trees, carts, and supplies that were scattered all over it. Thelton had often looked down at the diorama from the three other floors that towered above it. The king liked to contemplate his kingdom from many angles, and the war room was designed so he could.
“You know, my fine boy, our kingdom hasn’t seen war for over three generations. But one can ever be too cautious or slack. One day I might have to lead our kingdom to war. If that day comes, I will be ready.” King Wolfgang really wouldn’t know what to do if they ever went to war. His kingdom had always been a peace with the two bordering kingdoms, Cloats and Candleshaw. At one time in the history of the kingdoms, they had been at war. But, that was so many years ago and now the kingdoms were very friendly with each other. At times there was animosity with the outlying kingdoms beyond Cloats and Candleshaw, but it was never anything big.
Before the guard closed the doors, he asked, “Is there anything that I can do for you, your Holiness?”
“Yes, tell the kitchen to prepare a royal feast, for there will be celebrating tonight. Also, have a room set for The Dragon Slayer.”
“Is that all, my king?”
The king looked around. “Am I forgetting anything?” he asked. He couldn’t recall what it was, but it sure felt like he had one more thing to say. Just as the door was about to bang close, the king remembered.
“Wait!” he shouted. The doors swiftly reopened.
He remembered what he wanted to say when he had looked at Thelton. He could see the mud from Thelton rub off onto his map print davenport, a piece that had been designed and imported from across the seas.
“Have the bath man come get The Dragon Slayer in an hour, for this boy needs a bath.” The king plugged his nose, as if he suddenly was offended by Thelton.
Thelton sat in miserable silence as the king babbled about the happenings of the kingdom. To occupy his attention, he played with the scar on his elbow, an elbow that was no longer pointed due to shattering it once. He hated conversing with others, and he was ready to leave. He could never understand why the king spent hours talking to him about subjects that he could care less about. All he hoped for were his Tretos. He certainly didn’t want the king’s formalities. He wished the king would remember that he was a hunter, a lone man, a man of very few words.
Thelton felt so relieved when the doors opened and the bath man bowed and entered, cheerfully Thelton stood, happy for his escape.
When the king saw who it was, he growled at him. “We are not ready for something as trivial as a bath. Come back in an hour,” he growled.
“No,” Thelton begged in his mind. “Take me with you, save me from the king!” That happened two more times until the king allowed Thelton to go with the bath man.
The bath man led Thelton to a spacious room where a large seashell shaped bathtub stood in the center. The water had cooled a couple of times and they had to relight the fire underneath it to re-warm it. When Thelton finally entered the room, the servants were delighted, for they were tired of trying to keep the water warm.
Feeling inept, Thelton entered the room. He had never taken a formal bath before, sure he had dipped into lakes to get clean, but that was the extent of his hygiene. The air held the moisture from the bath and clung to everyone’s clothes and face. Thelton looked at the giant tub in the middle of the room with its bubbles spilling over the side and soaking the floor beneath it.
“How does it work?” he asked. With so many bubbles, he couldn’t see room for his body.
Everyone in the room laughed, instantly annoying Thelton. Why were they laughing at him? Should he know what he was looking at?
“Take off your clothes, Dragon Slayer, and you may step into the bath and get cleaned.”
Thelton just stared at the maid. Was she really asking him to get naked in front of her? Everyone stood in stiff silence. Finally, the maid said.
“If you desire to be clean, then you must remove your attire.”
“I can manage from here.” Thelton said as his arms wrapped around his chest. He could feel his tight muscles underneath. “I can figure out how to use a bath, how hard could it be?” he said. While he waited for a response, the bath maid stood by him shaking, for she couldn’t believe that Thelton stood before her. Sure, she could leave so that he could get undressed, but where was the fun in that? As she waited for Thelton, she couldn’t believe how handsome he was. She had heard the tales about his looks, but the power behind them couldn’t be felt in stories. She couldn’t remove her eyes of his perfect face.
The bath maid strengthened her voice, and then commanded. “I am ordered to clean you, so take everything off. You mustn’t be afraid, for I bathe all the royals in the castle.”
“Well, you’re not gone to bathe me.” Thelton said.
The maiden came over to Thelton and grabbed his top, she began to remove it. Thelton tried to pull his shirt back down, but she kept pulling it up. Finally, he surrendered it.
Unexpectedly, the door flew open and the head bath man walked in. He was a tall lengthy man, with a long pointed nose, a nose that dominated his face. “Ah yes, I heard about your filthy state. Let us get you nice and clean.”
“I can manage myself.” Thelton said. He grabbed his shirt from the bath maid and put it back on.
“Young man, don’t be shy, for we bathe all the royals.”
“That’s what I told him.” The maid said.
“I wish to bathe alone.” Thelton replied.
“Of course, that you may if you wish; however, I do doubt that you will get as clean as what we can get you.”
“I will manage.” Thelton said. He glared at the bath maid, happy to have triumphed over her. Disappointed, she clicked her tongue.
Thelton splashed around in the tub, deciding he would always take a bath on future visits. He had never bathed in warm water before. Sometimes he would go for a swim to get clean, but that didn’t happen too often. He heard rumors that some of the people in the kingdom bathed once a week. What a burden and a waste of time that would be.
Thelton dived under the bubbles, the warm water surrounding his face and sopping his thin layer of facial hair, also clinging to him when he sat up. He laughed at the fun he had when, unexpectedly, he heard another laugh join his. Someone had slipped into the room while he had been under the water.
“Looks like fun,” said a soft dainty voice.
Shyly, Thelon lowered in the water. The bubbles surrounded his whole body so all that could be seen were his captivating dark eyes.
Thelton looked over at the intruder. In front of him stood the princess dressed only in a robe. She was an absolute dream to look upon, being the most beautiful woman in the tri-kingdoms. She had long beautiful hair, hair that curled into perfect spirals, spirals that went to her waist. Her eyes were a striking blue. The skin on her face was soft and smooth.
“What are you doing in here?” he asked nervously.
“I am so very sorry, for I had no idea that anyone was in my tub,” she said in a flirtatious voice.
Thelton did not respond.
“How old are you, Dragon Slayer?” Princess Alashia asked as she shifted her petite frame back and forth.
“Nineteen,” Thelton barely squeaked out as he let his body slide further under the suds.
“Nineteen. Hmm, you are still pretty young. I am nineteen.” Alashia stared at him. She had thought he was older.
Thelton plugged his nose and ducked under the bubbles. He held his breath until he couldn’t stand it any longer, for he began to get light headed. Desperate, he shot up out of the water. After rubbing the water out of his eyes, he opened them. Maybe she would be gone. She wasn’t. In fact, she was hovering directly above him. He stayed under as long as his breath would hold out for. When he brought his head back up, he could hear a male voice speaking.
“Princess, this is no place for you, what would your father think?”
“I was just leaving. Imagine my embarrassment when I went to dip into my tub, only to find a commoner in it.”
“What are you doing here in your robe?” The bath man asked the princess. “You never come to the bath without our invitation.”
The princess’s voice elevated. “I do not need an invitation to take a bath in my own castle.”
The bath man bowed his head, “Forgive me, for that came out wrong. All I meant was that when we have prepared a nice tub for you, then we let you know. Did someone call you to bath?”
“Yes, my maiden Claire did.”
“My deepest apologies, Princess. Let us quickly get this man out; then you may bathe.”
“I no longer feel like it.” The princess said. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.
Thelton felt relieved watching her leave. What a scandal he would create if the princess had actually gotten in with him.
Princess Alashia was King Wolfgang’s middle daughter. It was very clear that she was his favorite. He adored her more than the others because she was so beautiful. She had her father tightly manipulated by just batting her eyes. She was aware of the power of her looks, for she had been able to use them to get whatever she wanted, and since she was the princess, she rarely was told no. As she was accustomed to do whatever pleased her, Thelton was her new venture. She had been in love with him for a long time. Every time her father brought him into t
he castle she would get silly and all she could think about was him. She was determined to do whatever it took to win his love, despite the fact that she could never have him.
Outside the bath room, the Maiden Claire waited for Alashia. The two of them quietly walked back to Alashia’s room. While Claire’ removed Alashia’s robe, she asked in an excited voice.
“Well, did you get to see him?”
Alashia’s face lightened up. “Oh, I saw him. He was in the bath.”
Claire gasped out loud. She was rather plain compared to the princess, only wearing a simple gown with a white apron on it.
“Every time he comes, he is more gorgeous than the last time.”
“What shall I dress you in, Princess?” Claire asked.
“I must look stunning at dinner. How about that new one the Tailor from the Kingdom Cloats delivered. Thelton won’t be able to take his eyes off me if I wear that one.”
“Good choice, Princess.”
After he had retired to his room for an hour, Thelton was brought to the banquet room. Dread filled him as he anticipated who might be there. Sometimes the feasts were full of people just waiting to get a chance to meet the man who held such legendary status. He hated entertaining the king’s guests. People always asked him stupid questions, which he never knew how to answer. He just wanted to collect his Tretos and be left alone. He didn’t need all of the king’s fanfare.
In the banquet room, Thelton was announced. Everyone stood for his entry, even the king. His heart slowed down when all he saw was King Wolfgang, Princess Lucille, Princess Alashia, and Princess Stephanie. Although the dinner conversation would still be uncomfortable, he could handle the small numbers so much better.